The 21 Most Interesting Home Cooking Statistics UK

Reading Time: 8 minutes
Home Cooking Couple

Looking for a list of the most interesting home cooking statistics uk? Well you are in the right place!

We have compiled 21 of the most interesting statistics on home cooking the UK has to offer. For each stat, we have provided the source just in case you need to cite our article in one of pieces. 

1. 42.6% of people in the UK cook for their family every day.

Would you say you are the head chef of your family kitchen? Well if you are, you are in the same shoes of about 42.6% of people within the UK. 

We feel that cooking for your family is one of the greatest pleasures of life (your family might not feel the same depending on how good of a cook you are!). So it’s not surprising for us to see that the number of people who cook for their family everyday is quite high in the UK. Source

2. 13.61% of people in the UK only cook for their family 1-2 times a week.

In addition to the above, it’s interesting to see that 13.61% of people only cook for their family between 1 and 2 times per week in the UK. Source

Home Cooking How often

3. 51% of people spend less than 30 minutes cooking a meal for their family. 

How long would you say you spent cooking for your family for each meal you made within a week? 20 minutes? 30 minutes? 1 hour? 

Well if it’s less than 30 minutes you would be inline with the majority of people within the UK. To be fair, 30 minutes is a decent amount of time to spend prepping, cooking and serving a delicious meal for your family. Source

4. 42.99% of people spend between 30 – 60 minutes, whilst only 5.49% spend over an hour.

If you take your time cooking for your family and usually spend between 30 – 60 minutes for each meal, then you are in a similar position to 42.99% of people within the UK. You can accomplish a great deal in the kitchen within 1 hour so we’d expect to see some cracking dishes being eaten in your home. 

Interestingly, only 5.49% of people cooking at home within the UK spend over 1 hour cooking for their family. Source

Home cooking stats uk

5. 61.58% of people in the UK would say they Eat everything. 14.93% says they are vegetarian  and 4.38% are vegan.

Diet within the UK has changed quite a bit over the past decade. Being more connected than ever, varying diet plans and eating habits are being shared rapidly between all corners of the world. However, the majority of the people within the UK, around 61.58% of people, state they would eat anything served up in front of them. 

14.93% of people within the UK state they are vegetarian whilst just 4.38% would say they are vegan. Source.

Home cooking statistics uk

6. The average expenditure on food and drink for UK citizens is around £45.31 per week. £31.39 of that is spent on home cooking/drinking.

The average amount that a UK household spends on home cooking & drinking each week is around £31.39. This includes everything from vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, beers, etc. 

We think this is about right, however, it all depends on which supermarket you are shopping in and what kinds of things you are eating on a regular basis. We can’t imagine your average expenditure being 30 quid if you are eating lobster and caviar on a weekly basis!

If you include the amount we spend on eating out, the average expenditure for UK citizens on Food and Drink is about £45.31 per week. Source.

Government home cooking costs stats

7. People in the UK consume around 1786 grams of milk per week. 957 grams of meat, 139 grams of fish. 

According to the UK government, us Brits consume around 1786 grams of milk per week. With the rise in popularity of nut milks, soy milks and other milk substitutes, we would wager that this amount has decreased significantly in recent years. 

The amount of meat people in the UK eat each week is said to be around 957 grams. This is considerably more than the amount of fish we eat, which comes in at around 139 grams per week. Source

Foods eaten in the UK

8. 1/4 of Brits are so overworked they don’t have the time to cook.

Research shows that people in the UK are not enjoying spending time in their kitchen any more. As little three in 10 UK citizens say they do cook a meal from scratch every day.  

Men are twice as likely to avoid cooking than women due to a lack of knowledge.

One of the main reasons for the drop in home cooking is that 1 in 4 UK residents are so overworked that they do not have time to cook when they get home. Source.

9. 6% of Brits admit to cooking for themselves less than once a month source

Around 6% of UK citizens admit to only cooking for themselves less than once a month.

Either those 6% are eating a hell of a lot of takeaways or they live with someone who is handling everything in the kitchen for them! Source.

10. The number of people cooking poached eggs in the UK has increased by over 160% in the past 12 months.

According to Google Trends, the number of people looking for a poached eggs in the United Kingdom has increased by over 160% in the past 12 months. 

We reckon that the lockdown and the lack of brunch outings have forced Britons to take action in the Kitchen and poach their own eggs! Source

Poached Egg Trend

11. The number of searches for “home Cooking” has more than doubled over the past 12 months in the UK.

Also according to Google Trends, the number of searches for “Home Cooking” has more than doubled over the past 12 months. 

Again, due to lockdown, it’s likely that more and more people are diving into home cooking and are looking to learn, do and produce better food at home. Source.

Home Cooking Data

12. 9% of UK residents hardly ever make meals from raw ingredients and 4% never do, and instead choose frozen or pre-prepared options.

We found this one super interesting. According to this study, 9% of people within the UK hardly ever make meals using raw ingredients and 4% never do so. Instead, they opt for frozen or pre-prepared options when they are in their home kitchen. 

We find these stats staggering as we are big promoters of the use of raw ingredients in home cooking and would always choose raw ingredients over frozen or pre-prepared options. Source

13. Non-scratch cooks tend to have fewer concerns about food than those who make their own meals. It finds they are less likely to worry about things such as sugar levels (28% vs. 47%), freshness (26% vs. 61%), and fat content (24% vs. 42%).

According to YouGov, one in eight UK residents avoid cooking any home meals from scratch. Instead, they opt to use frozen or pre-prepared ingredients to make their meals and skip the preparing of raw ingredients.

Those that do avoid cooking meals from scratch are reported to worry less about things such as sugar levels, freshness and fat content compared to those who cook their home meals from scratch. Source.

Cooking at Home

14. They also tend to not take a list to the supermarket, with approaching three quarters (73%) saying that they don’t tend to plan their weekly shop.

Those UK residents that do not cook their meals from scratch are more likely to not take a list to the supermarket when they do their shopping. 

Around 73% of those people say they do not really plan their weekly shop. Instead of purchasing things they would have to cook themselves at home, they instead choose products on the basis of value and ease. Source.

15. UK millennials aged 18-34 were most likely (34%) to eat out less in 2018 than 2017. Two-thirds of those are doing so to save money, with 17% saying they don’t have the time to eat out. 

Millennials aged between 18-34 are increasingly less likely to eat out when comparing the data from 2017 to 2018. About two thirds of those stated they are doing so primarily to save money but 17% say they simply do not have the time to eat out. Source

16. 73% of global millennials are willing to pay more for sustainable goods.

Sustainability is an increasingly hot topic in the cooking world and rightly so. However, sustainability matters the most to millennials with 73% saying they would be willing to pay more for sustainability goods compared to the 63% of the general population. 

From packaging to how the food is farmed, it all matters and should be taken into consideration when marketing to home cooks in the UK. Source

17. According to the research, 33% of conversations express a desire to cook or bake after watching programmes like the Great British Bake Off or Masterchef.

This one made us chuckle! A recent UK trends report identified that 33% of UK residents express a desire to cook or to bake after watching programs such as Masterchef or the Great British Bake Off. 

We will be the first to admit that after watching Mary Berry make one of her delectable cakes, we are straight in the kitchen trying to replicate her moist bake. Source

18. The number of UK residents embarking on a KETO diet has increased massively.

According to Google Trends, the number of UK residents who are interested in or are actively on a KETO diet has increased immensely over the past 3 years. 

A KETO diet super low-carb, high-fat diet that shares many similarities with the Atkins diet. When being on a KETO diet, you drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake and replace it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis which helps aid weight loss. Source

19. Since 1974, purchases of white bread in the UK have fallen by 75%.

How times have changed, ey? The UK was once enamoured with White Bread and it was a staple in most households up and down the country. However, times have changed and the amount of white bread UK residents purchased has fallen by around 75% since 1974. 

The increase in popularity of Sourdough, Rye, Gluten Free and other such breads are likely to have caused this dramatic reduction in the purchase of white bread. Source

Bread purchases

20. The Amount of pizza the UK eats is around 53g per week. 

We can’t be the only ones who think that number is low, right? We probably consume about 53 grams of pizza in a single sitting let alone a full week! Source

21. The amount of tea we drink has fallen. We used to buy around 68g of tear per week, we now only buy around 25g.

Britain – A nation of tea drinks. 

That statement might have been true at one point but it doesn’t look that way anymore! 

The amount of tea Britons are buying each week has fallen from around 68 grams to just 25 grams. With the increase in popularity of coffee and flavoured teas, the UK population has a much more diverse selection of hot beverages to choose from. Source

Andy Canter


Ever since I started cooking I’ve been fascinated by how different people’s techniques are and how they best utilise the ingredients around them. Even the person living next door will have their own unique way of frying an egg or cooking a salmon fillet.

This fascination led me on a journey across the globe to discover the countless practices and traditions the world of cooking has to offer. I thought you’d enjoy and find value in sharing that journey with me so I created Cooked Best!